
Monday, September 19, 2011

With this blog...

I really have trouble blogging the mundane events of my so-called life. I could try to think of funny (or sad. Really really sad) stories that happen during my day, but everything would boil down to either how much I dislike my field of work, or how much I dislike the people I encounter working said field.

That said, I'm going to attempt to blog a little more frequently. I think I'd rather stick to the funny (I always say that I have to laugh, otherwise I'd cry) but we'll see how that goes. Maybe another iteration of my blog filled with the literary wrath of my fiery hatred awaits.

Otherwise I will stick to making lists of shit if that doesn't work out. :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Joy likes cosmetics.

That is what Chris has been saying for the past week, all thoughout our glorious 3-day weekend, also while he ordered a Target giftcard with his rewards points from his bank card. Joy likes cosmetics. Joy can buy cosmetics with the giftcard. :-) This stems from me dragging Chris around the county trying to find a limited edition nail polish at a drug store that was never in stock. Also from numerous trips to Sephora, making the back of my hands look like glittery rainbows with color swatches, and asking "What about this one? This one? Which one's better?"

Anyway, I was looking at organization blogs (who doesn't?) and I found one that included a picture of a girl's makeup drawer and her lovely collection of Chanel products, which triggered a memory of dragging my mom around the state (Delaware - we had like, two malls, for serious) when I was younger, looking for a limited edition Chanel eye gloss that I needed, but was also never in stock. So really, I've been dragging people around looking for cosmetics for years! Story of my life!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I miss:

my parents. :-(

Not to get all gooshy or anything, but I love them! I moved away when I got to college, and now I still live really far away from them. I'm an only child and a military brat, so I essentially grew up with Bob and Abbey as my best friends. My parents were young enough to be hip, but old enough to know how to raise kid. Even as an "adult," my parents are way cooler than all my friends parents. I know people with really (really) crazy parents. I know people who don't even like their parents. I love mine and miss them and wouldn't trade them for any other parents in the world. Even rich ones that could buy me lots of useless crap. Yep, it's that serious.