
Sunday, November 11, 2012

DIET is just DIE with a T

From the Happiness Project post, Abstainer vs. Moderator

I believe I am an "Abstainer." An Abstainer is someone who must quit cold turkey. I'd rather have zero temptations in the house, than have to tread the delicate lines of serving sizes and moderation. Moderators are able to have sweets and snacks in the house because they are capable of self-control. I'd rather not have anything in the house because even though I may have a craving for a sweet or snack, I am too lazy to go out and get one.

Avoid all candy and artificial sweeteners for two weeks, and your taste buds will adapt.

I also read an article on something referred to as hyperpalatable foods. Crap like Doritos that are loaded with salt, sugar, and fats that cause your tastebuds to have to adapt to stronger flavor sensations which cause regular, nutritious food to register as bland to the palate. Other things to avoid include unnatural flavorings, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners. Your taste buds will once again appreciate the flavor of fresh, nutritious vegetables and the natural sweetness of fruit.

Attempt 30 days without eating processed foods!

This one sounds the most difficult for my situation. I have an aversion to visiting grocery stores on a daily or regular basis, so fresh fruits and veggies are rare to come by in my refrigerator. I have frozen and canned items. Does this count as processed? Or are we just talking chemical preservatives, altered foods, etc.? Either way, 30 days is a stretch at this point. I am willing to research this fuller and attempt this eventually.