So I've had a little bit more time with my Happiness Project. Some gems I've found are:
- Stop telling yourself to get "organized." Start actually getting rid of stuff. You don't need any new nifty organizing containers if you PURGE!
- Don't keep excessive amounts of anything. The example the author gave was: A house with 2 adults doesn't need 15 mismatched coffee cups. So I started getting rid of coffee cups I didn't want/need.
- Get rid of anything for which you have duplicates. I had two mixing bowls for cakes. I kept the one that matched my kitchen and gave the one I bought when I was first starting out in my house to my M.I.L.
- Don't mark ANYTHING as "Misc." I have been super SUPER guilty of this one. I started making specific places for things that I wanted to keep for projects and stuff, instead of placing them all in one catch-all box. Separate boxes for stamps, greeting cards, and keepsakes have gotten me a little further in actually having a place for everything before everything can be in its place.
Things I want to do or need to get better at doing:
- Make the bed every day. Makes a big difference.
- Get rid of old clothes. When I lose weight, will I really wear my old clothes or will I want to enjoy buying new clothes?
- Eating better - "Moderator" or "Abstainer" ?
- Go to bed on time. Make an "evening ritual" i.e. Make tea, read in bed, etc.
And the major road block in my own Happiness: the Workplace. I have resigned that I simply do not like my job and would rather not go. However, at this point in my life, quitting and starting anew is not a viable (or logical) option. Is there anything I can do to make my workplace more fun?
- Gather everyone's birthday and do something monthly (cupcakes, treats) for workplace morale.
Ok, that's all I've got for now!